SFLB-003: Full Nude

Model: Kana Aoyama (21)
Studio: Shuffle/Believe
Release Date: 2003-08-25
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Production & Setting

Back to the beach from the first scene, and it looks great. Kana is energetic, playing around in the water, and then the music kicks in, it sounds like this is going to be a great scene, and then just the most nonsense guitar riff I’ve ever heard in a film plays. What in the world is this? It’s hilariously bad. As for the shoot itself, it’s short, as expected, but that’s fine. There are some underwater shots, of course the water is murky, but color correction underwater wasn’t where it is today technology wise so that gets a pass. We get some up-close breast shots before the shoot is gone. No undercarriage shots in this film. Following the beach, it’s back to Kana moping about in the living room again and then falling asleep. Next up, abandoned building shoot time, but not before we get a grainy interview from Kana with some weird instrumentals. Once the shoot starts, the music shifts to a lovely guitar piece as Kana is partially undressing in the hallway of this building. Jokes aside, Kana looks outstanding, this is a physical aesthetic that I’ve noticed in older photoshoots and videos that is rarely seen today. After the quick shoot (with its slow-motion effects) Kana shows up for another interview bit, or maybe it’s a PSA? Why is it all grainy? Looks like found footage themed content.
The next shoot sees Kana heading to sleep in a very yellow bed. Color saturation isn’t off, although at this resolution it can be hard to tell as the gradients can start to blend, especially when you look at the wall color in the background just beside the pillows. There are some hints of blue or some similar shade in the far background that does add to the pastel colors and works nicely, of course this shoot is all about Kana being playful. The camerawork is not slow and panning, it often zooms in quickly to get a breast shot or is moving all over the place to keep up. Eventually the camera is taken under the sheets where I guess it’s night vision, but it likely is just editing as there are parts of the shoot where the camera comes out from under the sheets, and everything is still black and white. From there we have another beach scene, this time it’s later in the day, or maybe a different day as the weather is noticeably gloomy. Kana is wearing a kimono and posing with a sneak peak of her left breast, and there is a slow tempo guitar piece playing over the shoot. Once again, the shoot does not last long, and we are back to the abandoned building.

Kana is wearing a leather outfit with a cowboy hat, and it looks great, likely one of the best outfits in the film. The music is also very rock like with some Charlie’s Angels poses and editing by Kana. There are even some great poses of Kana with sparklers for added impact. The vocals in the song are trash but the electric guitar riffs mixed with the atmosphere of the shoot are hilariously entertaining, so they get a pass. From that, Kana is back in the living room, she wakes up, talks to the camera, and goodbye. Now it’s the bath scene where the suds and some playful synth pop is playing. Visually and camera wise there isn’t much going on here, again, given that the film appears very vloggy, the editing and posing doesn’t appear to be of primary focus. However, that is mostly what IVs currently often appear to be. Kana is entertaining during this short stint, and then it’s back to the beach for a sunset shoot. This shoot looks great. The music works and the amber shading on Kana from the sun and water reflection is very good.
The film ends with a drawing session with Kana, she makes a couple drawings and talks about what they are, and from there we see Kana in a bedroom once more, playing with some very colorful polka dot pillows and giving a variety of sneak peaks at her breasts through some net drapes. The finale is Kana playing in the dark with a sparkler on the beach to some more emotional guitar notes. The credits are play over the scene and that’s a wrap. The remaining 20 minutes of the film are BTS content with additional interviews of Kana, posing in outfits not seen in the film, and additional angles and shots from the sets used. I’ve said it before but BTS content is my favorite part of these productions and this is no exception. There is additional music (some reused) throughout the scenes in the BTS portion but by and large the content is not meant to be actual shoots. One scene she is talking about her breasts and I assume certain outfits not working with them. There is also a nice use of a flashlight to censor her vagina since that was likely cheaper than relying on more expensive video editing.
Score: 7.5/10 (Production), 7/10 (Setting)

The music throughout the film is good, however, the biggest issue is that the shoots and scenes are short, we’re talking some scenes don’t last a minute. This leads to a problem where you get a great track such as during the first beach scene with a nice medium tempo guitar piece, to the first shower scene with it’s more calming notes, and then to the playful track during Kana’s cooking session. The problem is the transitions are abrupt and the music is all over the place, likely because in postproduction it was decided that not every song can work with every (or most) scenes, which makes sense, but with having so many changes, nothing overstays its welcome, but nothing also sticks around long enough to enjoy, with only a couple exceptions, such as the longest shoot in the film; the eating/cooking scene. This scene has a long guitar and percussion track that is good but somewhat mismatched to the scene, and the sounds of Kana eating don’t help.
By far one of the best tracks was the pop synth piece during the pink swiss cheese set, very 2000s vibes with this one. The other track that was substantially notable was the second beach shoot, that rock solo over some interesting electronic sounds, I don’t know, it’s like they wanted to do Sonic Adventure Emerald Coast but hadn’t heard it before. The music was even present during the BTS, and honestly, the first track they played during the BTS intro is what they should have stuck with the entire time for this section. The abrupt change from that track to whatever “music” occurs during the interview with Kana on the grainy tv is one I think the film can do without. Also, the vocal track during the abandoned building shoot, toss it into the fire. It’s hilarious and not uncommon for the period but it is bad. Kudos to the film having music throughout, otherwise the score would be lower.
Score: 6.5/10

Aesthetics & Performance
Film resolution limitations aside, the sets looked reasonable. They weren’t the most detailed, the bedroom/living room sets were quite basic. The beach and the abandoned building were the most dynamic sets and had this been a modern IV then they likely could have been good shooting locations, but that is not really the focus of these older films. Turning the attention to Kana, she looked great throughout, especially her daytime beach shoot and the abandoned building scenes, both with and without the cowboy outfit. The title of the film states “Full Nude”, but aside from the bathtub scenes and a few glances during the bedroom shoots, the viewer doesn’t really get a full nude experience, at least not within the modern context, but you do get a decent amount of breast shots. I mentioned it prior, but Kana has an aesthetic that very much fits in line with the era of these films, and it’s something I wish I could see more in the modern films but that 90s/2000s look doesn’t really mesh with current styles and physical appearance, so it’ll remain in the 480p world for the time being.
Performance wise, hard to say where this lands. Kana was clearly very enthusiastic and energetic. It was more that this was a film with Kana just showing her breasts when needed but otherwise was just her regular self. The interview intermissions between the short shoots allowed for the viewer to get to know more of Kana and I guess think that they were part of the film instead of just being a viewer, like modern day stream vlogging. Kana even did some acting with that the phone, although I would not be surprised if someone called her. The BTS section does lend more to Kana’s likeability and capability in the film, but it still appeared as if the whole production was a much more lighthearted affair in contrast to even other producers from the period.
Score: 7.5/10 (Aesthetics), 7/10 (Performance)

So where does this film land? I would say if you come across early 2000s Gravure productions, certainly check them out. They haven’t aged well in some respects and even in period they were pretty cheesy in some parts, but it was the norm. This film is the only one I know of done by Kana that is Gravure, such is the reality of finding digital copies of content from the early days of the internet, especially content from Japan. Kana is cute and full of energy, but has some quality hotness to her, if only the film wasn’t false advertising. That said, this isn’t too uncommon from what I’ve seen browsing at old covers, it’s possible a photoshoot book or pictures may have accompanied these releases? It’s incredibly difficult to know for sure. Either way, this film was a joy to watch and review, between the cheesy video editing, the tourist vlogging BTS style, and the nostalgia, it wasn’t the best from the period, but it certainly isn’t the worst. This sort of creativity is something I wish the current high budget producers of today would employ more often.
Score: 7.1/10
– The whole film gave off a tourist vlog vibe
– A lot of BTS content after and during the film
– Kana is pretty attractive, her looks also scream 2000s
– Interesting video editing
– Interesting video editing
– Bait and switch cover outfits/shoots
– Some questionable music