gSHR-072/GSHRB-048: Virgin Nude

Actress: Tsubasa Aizawa (20)
Studio: REbecca
Release Date: 2014-07-03
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Tsubasa Aizawa is another one of those short lived actresses in the world of JAV and Gravure. Having debuted in May of 2014 in JAV and subsequently with REbecca for a handful of IVs, Tsubasa quickly disappeared from the scene in less than a year. This film marks her first entry into Gravure around 2 months following her JAV debut. The Virgin Nude series produced by REbecca is a special series that seeks to show off new actresses in the Gravure world and generally to nude content as well. However, the timing can sometimes be off if the actress is also doing JAV because studios all have their own production timelines. So in the case of Tsubasa, audiences were already exposed to her nude and also having sex, a bit off the mark. The Virgin Nude series is also a little different in how it is filmed and produced overall in contrast to the main REbecca releases, a bit less polish and budget goes into these films. With all that said let’s see how this debut Gravure fares.
Production & Setting

Score: 6.5/10 (Production), 6.5/10 (Setting)

The music throughout is a bit of a mixed bag. Some hits and misses. The first track is a nice evenly paced piece with some light percussion and keyboard synths. It matches the scene fairly well and doesn’t outpace Tsubasa, even when the undressing portions are done, which is a fairly common thing among Gravure producers. The second track, however, is a bit off the mark. It’s more energetic with a more pronounced percussion and guitar lead and at times what sounds like a trumpet, or at least some form of brass instrument sound effect. It’s off pace with most of Tsubasa’s movements and doesnt really suit the aesthetic presented either, not to mention it’s odd continued use during the masturbation scene, but I won’t fault the music for that. it does fail to match what is going on screen in this respect though.
Moving on, the third track is good, once again it’s a more light hearted casual electronic piece, something akin to synthpop of the mid 2000s. It speeds up with some added percussion as the scene progresses and while in some instances the timing is a bit off with the on screen action, overall it feels like a good pairing. This is of courses aided by a more enthusiastic Tsubasa. The shower scene track is a slower tempo light percussion track with more prominent guitar, kinda has a latin flair to it, good on-hold music. It works with the setting. The song is a little short for the scene, but that’s pretty hard to avoid unless one in placing entire classical ensembles into their films. The last two tracks, i’ll keep it brief, one is basically a cyberpunk style dance club track akin to the Afterlife track in Mass Effect 2 (the game), and the last track is basically a variant of any song from a futuristic racing game from Sega in the 1990s. Both tracks are energetic with the last certainly being the higher tempo with the former having a bit more of a seductive vibe to it thanks to the dirtier synths. The execution is a little hit and miss with the timings, however, this is something that would be hard to address without working more on Tsubasa’s performance.
Score: 7/10

Aesthetics & Performance
Set design and wardrobe variation wasn’t anything particularly amazing, the outfits looked good on Tsubasa overall and the backdrops were fine, if not a little basic. None of the outfits were out of place with their respective scenes, with the first outfit being the most visually pleasing of the group. Tsubasa herself was easily the star of the show from a visual standpoint. One of the cutest looking people I’ve seen in the industry and despite having issues on the performance side of things her smile was easily her best feature. The only issue in this regard is that she smiles too much and doesn’t do much of anything else at the same level of enthusiasm, save for the third scene. Which brings us to the performance part.
Sadly this was not a great showing in the performance department. Tsubasa’s facial expressions were bright and cheery and hard not to like. However, the rest of her was rather disconnected. Her body expressions during most of the scenes was akin to going through the motions. With the exception of the third scene with the exercise ball, the rest were just sort of Tsubasa smiling and then going through the typical take off clothes and show selling points, which is boring. The worst offender however were the masturbation/fake sex scenes, which were just bad. Tsubasa’s expressions weren’t good and she made basically no noise during either, even if the music was playing too much at certain points, there simply wasn’t any audio coming from her to make a difference. It is unknown as to whether this was filmed prior to her JAV debut given they are weeks apart, but if it is, then that could be an explanation for the performance, if it isn’t, then I wonder how her JAV debut fared. Cut these parts and the film would be better.
Score: 6.5/10 (Aesthetics), 6/10 (Performance)

The Virgin Nude series is one of those interesting “Firsts” series’ that exist within the Gravure industry. Often they are hit and miss in their presentation. This could be because more attention is given to established actresses and labels, its hard to tell. Either way, in the case of this debut, the results speak for themselves. Some parts work, others don’t, that goes for both the post-production work and Tsubasa herself. Tsubasa has the inklings of being an energetic and enthusiastic Gravure model, however, it just doesn’t quite land in this debut. As previously mentioned, it is possible this is her first foray into nude modelling and subsequently JAV, it isn’t clear given the proximity of JAV and Gravure production timelines.
Tsubasa’s performance was hit and miss, she certainly looks the part and her smile is the best part of her acting in the film, but the rest of her movements are a bit stiff and going through the motions. It is likely a combination of Tsubasa being unsure how to act in these types of films, as having sex is quite different than understanding how to pose or interact with oneself for aesthetic purposes. The studio has been doing this long enough they should also be aware of how to direct newcomers and there appears to be at least some effort made via prop scenes and such, but it sadly isn’t enough. It’s not the worst IV to come out of REbecca for sure, it’s just about average.
Score: 6.5/10
– Tsubasa is pretty cute
– The outfits were nice
– Tsubasa smile (yes it gets its own spot)
– Uneven music usage
– Tsubasa’s performance
– The masturbation/simulated sex scenes